100 Acts of Kindness and 100 Heart Projects
- The Heart Project- One book, 70+ bloggers with 100+ craft ideas, all related to hearts, including 2 projects from me, PlayDrMom. This ebook will ONLY be available in the month of February. It will be ONLY be available by donation ($5) to the American Heart Association.
Jamie at hands on : as we grow has a very personal reason for wanting to support this charity and she’s doing an amazing job creating a quality book to bring in donations.
It is something special, let me tell you. I’ve been seeing the pictures of the projects that will be in it and they’re beautiful.
- 100 Acts of Kindness– This challenge put on by Toddler Approved is prompting creative acts of kindness all over the world. My post about it will go up sometime next week, but before then please take a look at this resource for increasing the kindness in your part of the world.
Thanks to Alissa from Creative With Kids these TWO events will be combining on February 1st for a very special day where readers will get a chance to contribute to a group effort to do 100 acts of kindness in one day.
Please read again on February 1st to find out how you can win a hard copy of this book and be part of our group effort.
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Laura Hutchison
Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.
Latest posts by Laura Hutchison (see all)
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- What is Learned through PLAY - August 12, 2015
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- ABCs of Encourage Play - July 31, 2015