Shadow Play: Day 3, What’s that Shadow? game

Another fun game we’ve been playing lately is a guessing game with photographs of interesting shadows. I take the pictures and have the kids guess what the shadow is of.  Henry, my 5 year old, really enjoys this game.

Here are some of the photos (hover over the pic to see what it is … after you take a guess, of course!!) …


The photos taken during our Shadow Hunts are also great for this type of activity … especially since my 2 yr old loves the Shadow Hunt, but my 5 yr old loves the “What’s that Shadow?” … so the shadows are new for him!


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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Angelique Felix

    What a great series! I am looking forward to more 🙂

  2. Susan Case

    Kindergarten for Teachers and Parents, shadow #2, “What’s that Shadow?” game

  3. Emma @sciencesparks

    What a great idea!

  4. JDaniel4's Mom

    What a wonderful idea! I am going to love visiting this board.

  5. maggy, red ted art

    Oooh what a lovely idea! I think we will definitely have to join in the shadow play 🙂

  6. catherine @ Sun Hats & Wellie Boots

    Such a great idea! We love shadow play 🙂

  7. Laura

    Would you like to be added to the board, JDaniel4’s mom?

  8. Laura

    Would you like to be added to the board, Maggy?

  9. Laura

    Catherine, thanks! Would you like to be added to the board?

  10. Susan Case

    Photo taken by Susan Case, Kindergarten for Teachers and Parents, Answer #2: Grandson jumping on trampoline with arms extended. Photo turned sideways.

  11. cathy @ nurturestore

    Thank you for sharing this with the Kids Co-op linky. My girls are both fascinating with shadows and love to make puppets to cast shadows on the wall.

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