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Books to Help Children Understand Divorce

Here’s a list of books for kids about divorce.  I use these in play therapy and recommend them to parents when the family is going through a divorce.  If you have some to add, please leave a comment below! The Family

The ABCs of Bonbon Break … and this week’s Kids Co-Op linky!

It’s Friday!  WooHoo!  Need a break?  How about a Bon Bon Break?  Great name for a blog, right?!  This week I’m featuring Val Curtis one of the co-founders of Bon Bon Break where the mission “is to introduce exceptional blogs in

Using Water Beads in Play Therapy

When I entered into the blogging world in the summer of 2011 I was first introduced to the world of water beads.  An amazing substance of gel-like beads that grow or shrink depending how much water they are with … wonderful

Easter in a Jar

I’ve been pretty busy this month … so I didn’t get my Easter shopping done until today.  But even so I was able to quickly put together this cute Easter gift.  I got this super cute and simple idea from Dixie

The ABCs of of Simple. Home. Blessings. … and this week’s Kids Co-Op linky!

I’m happy this week to feature Leah of Simple. Home. Blessings.  a blog that focuses on “meaningful homemaking without fussiness”.  On her blog you can, “Look for posts about anything related to homemaking: meal planning, meal prep, income, cleaning, planning the

Utilizing the Books of Julia Donaldson as Parenting and Therapeutic Resources

One of the things I have really enjoyed about being part of the Virtual Book Club for Kids is finding authors I haven’t read before and discovering how I can incorporate sharing these books with the kids I work with in

Little Yellow Chicks

I saw this post from Happy Hooligans and we just had to try out our own version.  All you need to make these cute little yellow chicks are a few toilet paper rolls (cut in half), yellow paint (of course you could

Playful Pranks for April Fools Fun

I’ve always enjoyed having some fun with pranks on the first of April.  The first one I remember was calling my great-grandmother and telling her to run out to her front porch quickly because we had heard on the news that

The ABCs of Kitchen Counter Chronicles … and this week’s Kids Co-Op linky!

Lots of us know that in a family lots of the important stuff happens in the kitchen … most of the time right on top of (or over) the kitchen counter.  That’s how Jen got the name for her amazing blog,

PlayDrMom’s Easter Round-Up: an Egg-ceptional Eggs-travagenza!

This eggs-tra special post is a round up of all my eggs-traordinary Easter time fun! An Easter Egg Hunt that gets the kids moving and thinking.  Fun for the WHOLE family! How about fun ways to play and learn with plastic

A Comprehension Matching Game: The Spiffiest Giant in Town

The kids and I have been checking out books written by Julia Donaldson as part of this month’s Virtual Book Club for Kids blog hop event.  Yesterday I posted an activity to go along with Charlie Cook’s Favorite Book.  Today I’d like to share

A Fun Activity to go with “Charlie Cook’s Favorite Book”, by Julia Donaldson

This month the Virtual Book Club for Kids is featuring Julia Donaldson.  I wasn’t familiar with this popular, award-winning British author … so I was very pleased to be introduced to her wonderful stories. The kids enjoyed all the books by