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“One of the most embarrassing things I ever did was …” FTSF #2

This post is written in response to the “Finish The Sentence Friday Blog Hop (FTSF #2) hosted by Janine @ Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic and Kate @ Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine with My Morning Quiet Time and co-hosted by Stephanie @ Mommy, for Real and Jen @ JenJen’s Soapbox

The ABCs of Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails … and this week’s Kids Co-Op Linky

This week I’m featuring Jaime, a southern Mama of three boys!  Her blog is filled with fantastic ideas to do with young children.  She even has a fabulous series, 10 Things Kids Love, which are round up posts of fun topical

Make a Styrofoam Snowman

My daughter, Honor, wanted to go out and make a snowman.  However, (epic momma fail) the snow pants that I ordered for her (way too late) had not come in yet.  And it was WAY too cold and wet to go

Bring it Inside! – exploring snow indoors

Snow starting falling where we live right on the Winter Solstice (December 21).  It melted but made a beautiful return on Christmas Eve … and we’ve had snow on the ground ever since.  My kids were SO excited to go outside

Confessions of a Mom Geek – “I went to the grocery store … ” FTSF #1

So, I was poking around the blogosphere with some unexpected free time I had on Friday and found a brand new blog hop that intrigued me … “Finish the Sentence Fridays” hosted by Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic and Can I

The ABCs of ME (2013) … and this week’s Kids Co-Op linky!

A year ago I did my first ABCs post … shortly after that I began posting the ABCs of other bloggers that I have come to know and love every week. (click here to see previous ABC posts and a BIG thank you

Snowmen Thank-You Notes

‘Tis the Season … to make sure you send out your Thank-you notes!  And having your kids take part is very important.  Since my kids were old enough to scribble I made sure that they had a role in making and

Best of 2012 Blog Hop

As we enter a new year it’s always nice to look back at favorite moments over the past year.  My family and I talked about this together … Henry (age 6.5) said his favorite was his Mario Kart Birthday Party, Honor (age

Elf Adventures, final days 2012

Our elf, Brief Houser, has returned to the North Pole but we wanted to make sure we shared where we found him on the last couple of days before he returned with Santa on the sleigh. Day 22: Mission Impossible above

Countdown to Christmas with Books, part 3

We’ve continued to have fun opening up our new Christmas books.  Here’s what we’ve received and read this week … 21.  Merry Christmas, from Biscuit, by Alyssa Satin Capucilli – Biscuit explores all his favorite things about Christmas and at the

Gingerbread Playdough Gift Pack

Last year the kids and I made Snowman Playdough kits to give away to all their friends, so this year we decided to continue the tradition and give Gingerbread Playdough Gift Packs.   I used this wonderful recipe from Mom to

Elf Adventures 2012, week 3

We’ve continued to have fun waking up each morning to see what our elf, Brief Houser, was up to in the middle of the night.  Here’s this week’s adventures … Day 15:  Writes a message in Cheerios Day 16:  Playing with