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Books That Can Help Children Grieve

To those that lost loved ones on this day, September 11 … eleven years ago … my heart and thoughts go out to you.  May you continue to find support and love through your lifelong process of grief. Grief and loss

Make a Milk Jug Fairy House!

My daughter, Honor (age 3), and I had a wonderful time together transforming a gallon milk jug into a fairy house for our ever-developing fairy garden. I had Honor cut out rectangles from a foam sheet and then took those to

The ABCs of Pleasantest Thing … and this Week’s Co-Op Linky!

This week’s ABCs feature thinks that playing with her kids is the most Pleasantest Thing ever.  And I completely agree … well, for me it’s playing with my own kids … but you know what I mean!!!  The blog is filled

Painting ROCKS!

One early evening my kids and the neighborhood kids (we’re very lucky to have 2 families with kids around the same age right next door and behind us) were all playing in our combined backyards.  The seemed ready for a new

Do you Zentangle? create a zentangle in therapy

I’m not trained in art therapy, but I definitely use a lot of art and crafts in my work with my clients.  Art and play therapy go so easily together; art can easily be playful and therapeutic.  I also love it

Back to School Books for Kids

It’s that time of year again!  BACK TO SCHOOL!!!  Here are some of my favorite back to school books that I read with my own kids and recommend to clients (especially if they are starting school for the first time or

The ABCs of Taming the Goblin

I love bloggers that are honest and have with a sense of humor … and The Monko, who writes Taming the Goblin, never disappoints!  It’s a blog focused on “Toddler Taming through Toddler Entertaining” and it certainly had many great ideas!

Utilizing the Books of Kevin Henkes in Play Therapy

Since the Summer Virtual Book Club for Kids is featuring Kevin Henkes this month, I though it would be a great time to review his books that can be extremely useful in therapy with kids.   (He has A LOT that

Thinking Creatively … featuring a book by Kevin Henkes

This month the Summer Virtual Book Club for Kids is featuring Kevin Henkes.  He has TONS of fabulous books for kids … and the blogs that are participating are sure to come with TONS of wonderful related activities.  Many of the

The ABCs of Living Life Intentionally … and this Week’s Kids Co-Op Linky

This week’s ABCs feature is Beth from Living Life Intentionally .  A blog named after how she tries to live her life.  Beth is a Christian, homeschooling mama of 3 kids. The blog is filled with ideas for homeschooling, parties, vacations, books,

When Potty Training is Difficult … part of the “We Get It” parenting series

I’ve received lots of requests to blog about potty training … but it’s taken me a really long time to sit down and write this post.  The road of potty training my son (now 6) has been long and bumpy …

Create a Simple Outdoor Music Play Area

I’ve seen lots of great ideas on Pinterest on ways to create music areas for outside …  and I wanted to give it a shot. Here’s our SUPER SIMPLE Outdoor Music Play Area … Like I said, SUPER SIMPLE.  I hung