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Let Your Imagination SWING! – MeMe Tales Readathon Week 4

Although we were a bit late to start, the kids and I have been participating in MeMe Tales  Readathon.  If you haven’t signed up already, make sure to take advantage of this terrific opportunity to get the whole family reading together

The ABCs of Go Kid Yourself … and this week’s Kids Co-Op Linky!

With an alias like Petunia P. Picklecake how could you not have an amazingly cool blog?!? This lady is not only a U.S. military veteran and Army wife, she is also a recovering “helicopter mom” turned into a YES Mom!  Her blog

“You are My Work of Art” – Love Books Summer Exchange

When I heard about The Educator’s Spin on It’s Love Books Exchange I just KNEW we had to be a part of it. The gals over at The Educator’s Spin on It organized and matched up 20 different bloggers from all

PlayDrMom’s Favorite Books about Feelings

One of the most important social skills is the ability recognize, distinguish and label one’s own emotions and the emotions of others.  A great way to help develop this skill is to begin reading books that describe and picture feelings to

The ABCs of Mommy with Selective Memory … and this week’s Kids Co-Op Linky

This week I am featuring an insanely busy mom of two young children who balances being the wife of a doctor in residency, working a full-time business job, blogging, AND she just co-authored a new eBook, The Happy Mommy Handbook:  The

Promoting Positive Behavior

As a parent and a child psychologist I firmly believe in focusing on reinforcing positive behaviors … as opposed to punishing negative ones.  This stems from my knowledge of what behaviorists have studied about human behavior … AND my first hand experience

Fun for the 4th!

Here’s some things we did to celebrate Independence Day! I found the “seasonal hits” digital music station on our cable company and listened Americana songs while making Red, White, & Blue crafts and snacks! We attempted a very cool Sprinkle Firework craft

“What does it mean to be a friend?” – MeMe Tales Readathon 2012, week 2

I’m over a week late to the MeMeTales Readathon 2012 party … but I didn’t want to miss out.  It’s another great opportunity to get kids READING this summer.  I have already enrolled my kids in the local library’s summer reading

PlayDrMom turns One!

I can’t believe it’s been a year since I began this journey.  I really didn’t know what to expect … but I never could have imagined what has unfolded. I have learned so many skills while creating the blog and growing

The ABCs of Kindergarten & Preschool for Parents & Teachers … and this week’s Kids Co-Op linky!

Ever had some questions that you’d really like to ask an experienced young education teacher?  Well, most of those questions are probably already answered on this week’s featured blog, Kindergarten & Preschool for Parents and Teachers.  And, if they haven’t been

Car Trip Busy Box

When we take vacations, we usually take road trips.  Whether it is a couple of hours up north or 20 hours to visit my husband’s family in Louisiana … we take the car.  I always pack a bag or basket filled

The ABCs of Crayon Freckles … and this week’s Kids Co-Op Linky!

There are SO many cool things about Andie, the blogger mom behind this week’s feature, that you really need to go check it out Crayon Freckles for yourself (if you don’t already follow her amazing blog).  Along with all the super