Summer Archive

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Rock Stacking Challenge

I’ve seen this idea lots of places … and I finally had the opportunity to challenge the kids to this activity while we were on vacation last week. With Honor, my 2 year old, I showed her a simple example and

The Longest Lemonade Stand

Yesterday we participated in breaking a Guinness World Record … the longest lemonade stand ever!  We were there as part of St. James Preschool … where Henry graduated from, where Honor attends, and where my mom is the director of!  It

Ice-Pop Paint

I started out with some washable Crayola paint that I poured into our Mickey Mouse ice cube tray and stuck some craft sticks in the paint.  We then put it in our freezer and waited for a good day for some

Favorite Childhood Memories of Summer

One of my all-time favorite childhood memories of summer is going to get soft serve ice cream after we were already in our pjs.  I’m not sure if we did it every summer, but the memory certainly sticks out in my

DIY Sponge Splash Balls

Last year I made Sponge Splash balls with my kids after I saw the idea in Family Fun magazine.  They were a big hit at the beach all summer long … so much so they met their well-loved (stinky, dirty) demise

DIY: Grass Skirts for Dolls & Stuffed Friends

My cousin had an awesome Hawaiian themed party for her daughter last weekend.  In preparation, we thought that since all the kids had cool tropical outfits … maybe their dolls and stuffed friends should too.  So, I came up with an

A Day at the Beach

So, how does one mom lug 2 young kids … and all the stuff they need/want … for a day at the beach? Well, this is how I do it … I found that my double stroller (Baby Trend, Sit-N-Stand Plus)

Glitter Fireworks

So, yesterday I was able to cross off one more item from our Summer Bucket List!  I got to take the kids to my absolute favorite firework display at my hometown.  Then, today, we made some Glitter Fireworks! I decided to

My Summer Bucket List

Here’s a list of things I want to do this summer … my summer bucket list.  Many of them are things I’d like to do numerous times. Most of them are things I want to do with the whole family, some