fall Archive

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3 Fall Crafts … for me

Last weekend I got to spend a fabulous time welcoming in autumn by going on an annual trip I make with my girlfriends … which are all part of a craft group I started the same year I became a mom.

Fabulous Fall Fun

Remember that post I did at the beginning of summer … 40 Wonderful Ways to Enjoy Summer with your Kids?  Well, it inspired me to create a photo collage for fall.  Here’s some ideas ways to have fabulous fall fun with your

Looking for Leaf Man … September Virtual Book Club for Kids featuring Lois Ehlert

This month the Virtual Book Club for Kids is featuring the beautiful books of Lois Ehlert. I love the way she craftily creates the art for her books using simple materials and shapes.  It was hard to choose among the myriad

Duck Toss

Have any of those fun rubber ducks laying around?  We have several sets … including Halloween and Thanksgiving ones.  And other than them being a cute table decoration and/or give away at a party, we invented a fun, easy game with

Fall Crafts for Preschoolers

Here’s a collection of Fall crafts for preschoolers that my kids have done!  Those teachers have had some wonderful ideas! Henry’s NOvember book …

Thanksgiving Day Cards: Watercolor Coffee Filter Turkey

I was looking for a fun and simple way to include the kids in sending out some Thanksgiving cards this year and came across this idea The Chocolate Muffin Tree’s coffee filter turkey cards.  We used cardstock paper folded in half for

Beautiful Fall Art: Gel Glue resist with Watercolor

This project was TONS of fun … and pretty simple for the kids to create TRULY beautiful fall art.  We used small canvas in which I drew a leaf with pencil: I then took gel glue and traced over the pencil

Turkey Cookies: Thanksgiving-Time Snack

We were hosting an impromptu family dinner last Sunday, so it gave me an excuse to try out these super cute Turkey Cookies for dessert.  I believe I first saw this idea on Pinterest (link here).  I used the “break-and-bake” sugar cookies,

Kid Kraft: Easy Trees

We had some extra time before bedtime the other night, so I snuck in another fall craft.  I got this idea from MomsTown … apple trees for every age.  But, since it was somewhat past our going to the apple orchard and

a fall snack: Acorns

I saw these all over Facebook, mom blogs, and Pinterest this fall … so I just HAD to make them.  My kindergartner’s class rotates who brings snack, so when he was up I knew what he would be bringing.  Here’s our

Playing with My Food: Halloween 2011

Along with all the fun projects, I’ve also been playing with my food … Halloween style.  Here’s some fun we’ve had … … just a PBJ on a sandwich thin … with 2 eyes and a mouth! … Halloween cheese and

Creating a Cuckoo Clock (and Bird) Costume

Thanks to an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (Mickey’s Adventures in Wonderland … where Mickey & Donald chase after a runaway cuckoo bird), Honor has been quite interested in cuckoo clocks.  Also, one of her favorite songs is “Tick tock tick