A Laura Craft: My first painting (or confessions of a perfectionist)

I’ve never actually painted on canvas before.  I had helped the kids do a few projects on canvas, but never did one myself.  I allow myself to call myself creative, but not artistic.  To me, being artistic means you have some training, a method, and the ability to be precise.  I am not precise.  I  am messy.  So projects where I don’t need to measure exactly or cut a straight line are perfect for me.

I saw an idea on Pinterest and wanted to give it a try.  Masking tape, canvas, and paint.  How cool?  Simple … and ok to be messy.  Right?

I have just moved into a new office … and my waiting room desperately needed some art.  So, I gave it a try.  I got the canvas, acrylic paint, and masking tape.  And I began ..

My inner gremlin grumbled as soon as I started taping, “Those lines aren’t straight.”  And, then again, when I started to paint, “I bet the paint is bleeding underneath the tape.  It’s going have blobs on it.”  It went on for a bit, “This is going to look horrible, there is no way you can display this at your office.” “You’ve never painted before.”  “You aren’t artistic.”

And then, I went into the process of creating.  I shut the gremlin up with enjoying filling in the white spaces one at a time.  It was relaxing.  It didn’t really matter what it looked like; it was mine. It would be imperfect.  And that is okay.  I am imperfect.  And I am okay.

I went back to the painting whenever I had a few minutes, finishing it up over a couple of days.   The gremlin tried to return when the paint was dry and I was ready to peel off the tape.  It wanted me to worry about how it would turn out … but instead I was just excited.


I titled it, “The Paths We Cross”.  Yes, the lines aren’t straight.  And the paint edges aren’t clean.  And it is still really cool and I am proud to say it is mine.

What does your gremlin say?  What has it stopped you from doing?  I have two great book suggestions that help you work with with quieting that inner negative voice …

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.

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  1. Betz King

    As the proud room-mate of the you AND the imperfectly perfect painting, I’m so glad we crossed paths! Love you!!

  2. Laura

    Thanks a bunch, Betz! Love you too!

  3. jackie @ happy hooligans

    That is awesome!

  4. CraftyDrMom

    I love the painting and am smiling at the fact that you mentioned the gremlin. Naughty little creatures. Glad you didn’t listen to yours. ( :

  5. Aleacia @ Dilly-Dali Art

    I like that it isn’t perfect, that makes it so much more special than a generic painting anyone can have on their walls 🙂
    There’s always a wonderful sense of accomplishment that comes from creating something

  6. Laura

    Thanks, Aleacia! It means a lot to me coming from you!

  7. Rashmie @ Mommy Labs

    This turned out beautiful, Laura 🙂
    I can imagine how satisfied you must have felt after creating your art and hanging it up there. No matter we are artistic or not, creating some time to our own art – our own way – is so soothing and relaxing. It’s your ‘me time’ and glad you enjoyed it rather than worrying how it will turn out.
    Loved the title!
    Come on over and submit this on my “me time”linky party. Over here 🙂

  8. Ali @ At home with Ali

    That’s wonderful, it looks great.

  9. Laura

    Rashmie, Thanks so much … for your comments and reminding me to link it up!

  10. Angelique Felix

    Love it completely!! You are an ARTIST girl 🙂

    Love from one of the ‘Made with love’ girls x

  11. Charlotte

    It looks amazing! You should be very proud.

    My gremlins are all about the decisions I make raising my son, spending too much time with him, or not enough, or over stimulating him or depriving him etc etc

  12. Laura

    You are not alone, Charlotte! Thanks for commenting!

  13. maryanne @ mama smiles

    Your painting looks amazing, and I’ll have to look for those books! Have you read The Gifts of Imperfection?

  14. The Iowa Farmer's Wife

    Looks awesome! I love the title and the contrast of the black and white! My gremlin says too many things to list! 🙂

  15. Joyce @Dinosaurs And Octopuses

    I think it turned out beautifully. I’m glad you could let go of the negative and enjoy creating it. Now everyone can enjoy looking at it. Great job and great post!

  16. Toddler Approved

    Very cool! Wish I had a space where I could put something like this. You did a great job and it turned out beautifully!

  17. Laura

    Thank you ALL for your comments and visiting my blog! It means a lot!

  18. Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas

    LOVE it & looks perfect on that wall – it was meant to be!!!! So glad the gremlin shut up and let you just enjoy the process! Beautiful result both physically (in the artwork) and spiritually. Thanks for sharing with me.

  19. Cathy @ NurtureStore

    I love it – it looks stunning.

  20. Jane Bosecke

    Kia ora from New Zealand. Just spied your artwork and I love it. I am in the ‘creative’ category too, and am keen to give this a go. Thanks for posting it!

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