Countdown to Christmas with Books – part 2

We’ve continued to have fun opening up our new Christmas books.  Here’s what we’ve received and read this week …

countdown to christmas with books 2
11.  Snowmen at Christmas, by Caralyn Buehner – Ever wonder how snowmen celebrate Christmas?

12.  The Longest Christmas List Ever, by Gregg & Evan Spiridellis – Young Trevor gets a bit crazy with his Christmas list.  Great story about how holiday greediness.

13.  Fox and the Snowflake Christmas, by Julia Rawlinson – Fletcher Fox wonders how Santa will find all of his woodland friends?

14.  Who Will Guide My Sleigh Tonight?, by Jerry Palotta – This one really had us giggling! A story about Santa’s different attempts to find the right animals to pull the sleigh.

15.  The Mouse Before Christmas, by Michael Garland –  A little mouse sneaks a ride in Santa’s bag and travels around the world on Christmas Eve.

16.  Ho, Ho, Ho, Tucker!, by Leslie McGuirk – A dog’s adventures exploring the season of Christmas.

17.  Mouse’s First Christmas, by Lauren Thompson – A mouse learns all about Christmas (this would be great for very young children).

18.  The Little Engine That Could and the Snowy, Blowy Christmas, by Watty Piper – The Little Engine That Could helps Santa on a very wintery Christmas Eve.

19.  Santa Duck, by David Milgrim – In searching to find Santa to tell him all the things he wants for Christmas, Duck finds out how great it feels to be a giver/helper.

20.  Llama Llama Holiday Drama, by Anna Dewdney – Llama reminds us to slow down and enjoy each other amongst the “holidrama”.

Check out this post to see how these books arrived and check out this post to see what we read during the first ten days.  And make sure to come back to see what we get in the final 5 days.

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Laura Hutchison

Laura Hutchison (aka PlayDrMom) is a chubby kid turned competitive figure skater tween turned high school pom pon girl turned MSU Spartan turned grad student turned Mrs. HutcH turned Dr. turned Mom. She adores living in the Mitten, is addicted to Diet Coke, and firmly believes that ice cream is a main food group.
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