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Preparing for a Move
on: by Laura Hutchison
So, we are at the tail end of moving houses right now … hence the lack of blogging. Up to our eyeballs in boxes … to the point where organization has no meaning (even though I thought I really tried!) and
Balancing Being a Therapist & a New Mom: Questions from a Therapist Mom-To-Be
on: by Laura Hutchison
I’m doing a little bit of freaking out about all I have to do and plan before the baby comes. How long would you recommend taking off for maternity leave? I can’t afford to take any time off but since that
Coloring: Why it’s important
on: by Laura Hutchison
My cousin, and close friend, sent me this question about her 3 year old daughter …. Seeing as Samantha has a new-found love of coloring with crayons, and drawing, and will literally do it for over an hour at a time
The Leaves of Change: Coffee Filter Fall Leaves
on: by Laura Hutchison
We had tons of fun creating this project. From start to finish we worked on it together … and discussed the changes that were occurring in our life as a family … as well as the changing of the season around
Celebrating A New Life: The Twelve Gifts of Birth “Sprinkle”
on: by Laura Hutchison
Nothing is more magical than life … creating life, nurturing life, bringing a new life into the world. I think it is essential to celebrate these moments and the women involved. Last weekend I threw a small shower (we called it
Filling My Bucket
on: by Laura Hutchison
I TRULY love being a mom more than anything else in the world. I also love my role as wife. And love my job as a psychologist. I love being able to help, care for, inspire, nurture. But I also have
DIY Light Box
on: by Laura Hutchison
I LOVED this simple idea from light box | happy hooligans, so I had to try it out. My dear hubby found the light (and got 2) on one of his many trips to Home Depot. And I found a simple plastic
Tried & True: Ants on a Log
on: by Laura Hutchison
It’s simple and yummy … a child snack classic. Ants on a Log. This what Henry and I prepared for his lunch before his first day of (afternoon) kindergarten. (Honor wanted nothing to do with it … still being very much
54321 Relaxation Technique
on: by Laura Hutchison
For most of us, it is the start of a brand new year. School is starting and bringing lots changes for many of us. New schools, new grades, new teachers, new friends, new schedules, new expectations. New and change = increased
Rock Stacking Challenge
on: by Laura Hutchison
I’ve seen this idea lots of places … and I finally had the opportunity to challenge the kids to this activity while we were on vacation last week. With Honor, my 2 year old, I showed her a simple example and
Learning to Use Scissors: Straw Cutting Activity
on: by Laura Hutchison
So, while we have been enjoying the last week of summer up north, I have done a couple of projects and activities with the kids. One of them I got from Hands On: as we grow – Learning to Cut Activity. I
on: by Laura Hutchison
Here are 5 Scavenger Hunts to enjoy with your kids! Outdoor Scavenger Hunt We tried this one out that “Hands On: As We Grow” designed. It was a nice short one for my 5 year old son to complete quickly one