Seasons/Holidays Archive

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Simple Halloween Garlands

Here are my 3 super simple Halloween garlands.  They were easy and fun to make with the kids … plus, they add some festiveness to our family room. The one at the top, the Yarn Pumpkin Garland, was inspired by this

Noodle Ghosts

One of the very first posts on this blog was on a super fun Noodle Monster project the kids and I did.  Ever since then I thought that redoing the project would be great for Halloween and create Noodle Ghosts instead.

13 Fun Halloween Apps for Kids

Just for fun the other day I went on a search for fun Halloween Apps for Kids for my iPhone.  I was amazed at how many turned up and downloaded a bunch, almost all of them free.  The kids and I

A Round-Up of Halloween Reading for Kids

I really amazes me how many wonderful children’s books there are about Halloween.  I keep on finding more … and more … and more.  So, I decided to do a round-up of Halloween reading for kids! Here’s some titles we found

What’s in the Witch’s Kitchen? – a Fun Menu activity to go along with Nick Sharratt’s book

This month the Virtual Book Club for Kids is featuring Nick Sharratt!  Once again I collected all the books I could by him at our library … and a couple that we had around the house.  Here are some of that

Halloween Movies for Kids

One of the things that really sets the mood for any season for my family is sitting down together and watching some holiday related movies.  Here are some of my favorite Halloween movies for kids … Mickey’s House of Villains– A

Halloween Party at School

Calling all Room Parents!  If you are in the same position I was last year when undertook being a room parent for the first time and searching for fun, simple, and inexpensive ideas for a Halloween Party at School, then look

Activities to go along with “Haunted Castle on Hallow’s Eve” (a MTH book) … and the Virtual Chapter Book Club for Kids

Jack and Annie, the main characters from The Magic Treehouse series (MTH), by Mary Pope Osborn, are favorites around our house.  We’ve been reading through the series (on & off) for about a year now.  It was just pure luck that

More Football Fun!: A round-up of Football-Themed Activities for Kids

Kids are back to school, the air is getting cooler, … it’s that time again.  Football season.  Whether your a huge fan of the game or not, you and your kids can enjoy these fun football-themed activities, crafts, and snacks together!

Football Books for Kids!

  My post yesterday for the Virtual Book Club for Kids that featured “Little Granny Quarterback” co-authored by Bill Martin, Jr., got me thinkin’ … what other great football books are there for kids?  Here’s what I found … Dino-Football, by

Football Themed Learning: Activities to go along with “Little Granny Quarterback” by Bill Martin, Jr.

This month’s featured author for the Virtual Book Club for Kids is Bill Martin, Jr.  Being that he has authored over 300 children books it’s pretty tricky to narrow down which one to focus on for the blog hop, but one

First Day Worries: Tips to help children starting (or returning) to school

The start of the school year is harder for some children. Maybe because it’s the very first time to attend school … maybe because it’s a new school due to a move or other life event … or maybe because the