Parenting Archive

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Taking the time … for a nature walk

Henry and I had the most wonderful, impromptu experience the other day.  I took him with me to vote on a local school board issue since he was interested in the issue (it will directly effect him) and to help him

What We Did During Screen-Free Week

Wow!  That week was NOT at all what I expected.  I thought it was going to be hard … for the kids and for me, most especially for me when I needed to get things done and didn’t have a screen

10 Ways to Make a Kid’s Birthday Special (other than a party)

Having a fun kids party for a birthday is wonderful … and probably something a child will remember for many, many years.  (I was fortunate to have parents that allowed me a party every year … and I’m sure I’ll do

4 Weeks of Kindness

What qualifies as “an act of kindness”?   There are so many small things that we do each day for our kids … that we take for granted.  (of course I do that, I’m his/her mom!)  However, I think that the concept

Parenting: It’s hard … and wonderful

 “The days are long, but the years are short.” “Parenting isn’t for the weak.” “Cleaning the house while the kids are home is like shoveling when it’s still snowing!” “Don’t you wish kids came with an instruction manual?” “Shouldn’t parents have

Thank-you note Torture

Growing up my wonderful mother instilled in me the importance and art of writing thank-you notes.  I don’t remember ever minding this … but then again, I always have enjoyed writing. Believing in the importance of formally giving thanks, I want

Trusting Our Parental Instincts

One of the hardest parts of being a parent is the constant onslaught of commentary from relatives, friends, total strangers, and the media on how WE should be a parent.  As if we didn’t second-guess ourself almost every step of the

Repost: Why Craft?

Ever sit there in the middle of a project, cleaning up an especially messy project, or even keeping up your own crafting/playing with kids blog and think, “WHY?  Why am I doing this?  Doesn’t it matter?  Is it important?”  Well, if

The Best of 2011

I came across this Blog Hop:  Best Projects for Kids 2011 … wanting to join up made me think about my 6 months of blogging thus far.  It’s been so much fun and has really inspired me to do tons of fun projects

Must-have Board Books

Being the holiday season many parents (like myself, friends, and relatives) are searching for high-quality presents to give children.  One of my favorite thing to give to children of any age are BOOKS.  So, here’s my own list of Must-have Board

A Visit from the Bottle Fairy

Our 2.5-year-old, Honor, has been quite attached to her bottle for bedtime.  She latched onto it as a security item long ago … and honestly, we just haven’t had the right timing or energy to fight the battle.  (important note:  yes,

Simple Limit Setting

A three step sequence of stating the limit, giving a warning, and enforcing the consequence can be used in a child-centered play therapy session … this simple limit setting model is also a GREAT to use CONSISTENTLY and with FOLLOW THROUGH