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Relaxation Jars

Yes, this idea is all over the internet  … but I’ve fallen in love with them and just had to share them on my very own post. They are super simple to make.  All you need is: a container (I used

20 Ways for Play Therapists to Increase the Experience of Effective Moments in Play Therapy

The following is a culmination of the results from my dissertation research, “The Therapist’s Experience of Effective Moments in Play Therapy.”  I believe it is helpful for all play therapists, beginners or veterans, to review often to remember the great influence

“When it comes to reality TV shows, I …” – FTSF #5

This post is written in response to the “Finish The Sentence Friday Blog Hop (FTSF #5) hosted by Janine @ Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic and Kate @ Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine with My Morning Quiet Time.  I plan to “finish the sentence” each

“The last time I went on vacation, I …” FTSF #3

This post is written in response to the “Finish The Sentence Friday Blog Hop (FTSF #3) hosted by Janine @ Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic and Kate @ Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine with My Morning Quiet Time.  I plan to “finish the sentence” each

PlayDrMom’s Favorite books to help Kids Build Self-Esteem

Spoon, by Amy Krouse Rosenthal … Is a nice way to talk to children about jealousy and, in turn, being thankful for our own uniqueness and personal gifts.  Check out this great activity from Coffee Cups and Crayons. Chrysanthemum, by Kevin Henkes …

3 Fall Crafts … for me

Last weekend I got to spend a fabulous time welcoming in autumn by going on an annual trip I make with my girlfriends … which are all part of a craft group I started the same year I became a mom.

Do you Zentangle? create a zentangle in therapy

I’m not trained in art therapy, but I definitely use a lot of art and crafts in my work with my clients.  Art and play therapy go so easily together; art can easily be playful and therapeutic.  I also love it

Taking the time … for a nature walk

Henry and I had the most wonderful, impromptu experience the other day.  I took him with me to vote on a local school board issue since he was interested in the issue (it will directly effect him) and to help him

A Laura Craft: Valentine Yarn Wreath

I previously posted a collection of yarn wreaths that I so enjoyed making … and giving away as Christmas presents.  After doing so, and from reading some of the comments, I realized that I had failed to make one for my


I read these articles the other day and really wanted to share them … Quit trying to prove yourself. | Jon Acuff’s Blog. The Trouble with Blogging.  from Blogging With Amy I also thought it was a good follow-up to yesterday’s

A Laura Craft: My first painting (or confessions of a perfectionist)

I’ve never actually painted on canvas before.  I had helped the kids do a few projects on canvas, but never did one myself.  I allow myself to call myself creative, but not artistic.  To me, being artistic means you have some

A Laura Craft: Yarn Wreaths with Felt Roses

I love to craft.  It was instilled in me by my amazing and crafty mom. I love the process of crafting … the finding an inspiration, the gathering of materials, the ability to engage in the act of crafting hands on,