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40 Wonderful Ways to Enjoy Summer with Your Kids

I was going through old photos of the kids playing during the summer and found 40 Wonderful Ways to Enjoy Summer with Your Kids.  Happy Summer Solstice to all!        

Stars & Stripes Sticker Resist Painting

It’s been awhile since we did a sticker resist painting project, but I figured with the 4th of July approaching it was time!  We tried something a bit different with this project … watercolor spray paint! We used a canvas, star

“I LOVE MY NEW TOY!” … Summer Virtual Book Club, featuring Mo Willems

This summer, instead of featuring a single book in the Virtual Book Club for Kids (hosted by Toddler Approved) is featuring ONE AUTHOR EACH MONTH.  This month … Mo Willems! I wasn’t introduced to the amazing work of Mo Willems until Henry received

So Many Ways to Play with Playdough … Part 2

With the challenge of the Playdough Pledge I was inspired to bring out different items to introduce into our playdough play! I put out feathers, toothpicks, sequins, pompoms, bottle caps, and pipe cleaners with our regular mix of playdough play items!

Homemade Playdough: A Rainbow of Kool-Aid Colors

If you read Monday’s post (So Many Ways to Play with Playdough) or Tuesday’s post (Playdough in Play Therapy) you might have noticed that we took the Playdough Pledge this week. It’s an online playdate hosted by Nurturestore, The Imagination Tree, and Sun Hats

ABCs of Montessori Tidbits … and this week’s Kids Co-Op Linky

If you are a homeschooler, lover of Montessori learning, teacher, or parent looking for new and playful ways to help children learn … you NEED to check out and follow this week’s feature … Leann Warren, blogger behind Montessori Tidbits.  “One

A Playful End-of-the-Year Thank You Gift for Teachers

Thanks to Pinterest (see paragraph at the end of the post!) I found a playful, yummy, and useful way to thank my kids’ teachers for being such a important part of their lives this year.  Here’s the gift we put together

Playdough in Play Therapy

Since I took the Playdough Pledge this week … I figured it was high time that I shared HOW and WHY I use play dough in my work as a play therapist.   Play therapy uses PLAY as a way to

So Many Ways to Play with Play Dough

This is a real (not staged) photo I took of my daughter, Honor, over a year ago.  She actually did fall asleep in play dough while playing … don’t worry I was right there observing, making sure she could breathe before

The ABCs of Creative Playhouse … and this week’s Kids Co-Op Linky

This week’s feature is an amazingly beautiful and colorful blog filled with “imagination, creativity, play, experience, food, and early learning for babies and children”… Creative Playhouse.  I really love it’s presentation!  Tons of fun!!!  So, here’s the  … The ABCs of

Tinkering with Flowers … and making a window flower collage

The kids and I were very excited to take part in this Creative Challenge set up by Tinkerlab. We took participated in the last 2 Tinkerlab Challenges … the Paper Bag and the Egg Carton Creative Challenges.  It’s a fun way

Nature Bracelets

I first heard of Nature Bracelets from my aunt whom had taken my cousin’s daughter (my aunt’s grandchild) to a kid’s event at their local library.  That was about a year ago, before my Pinterest addiction had begun.  Since then I