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100 Acts of Kindness and 100 Heart Projects
on: by Laura Hutchison
Two incredible events are happening right now in the blogosphere and you need to know about them: The Heart Project- One book, 70+ bloggers with 100+ craft ideas, all related to hearts, including 2 projects from me, PlayDrMom. This ebook will ONLY
Five Ways to Feed the Birds … or squirrels
on: by Laura Hutchison
Since I started my Pinterest addiction last fall, I have been “pin”spired by all the great ways to create DIY birdfeeders. Here’s a collection of the ones we have tried this month: Cheerios on Pipe Cleaners Both kids really enjoyed making
Snowman Sundae
on: by Laura Hutchison
Here’s a fun and simple treat! A Snowman sundae … 3 small scoops of vanilla ice cream mini chocolate chips for eyes, mouth, & buttons one piece of candy corn for the nose 2 toothpicks for the arms ENJOY!
Baking with My Kids
on: by Laura Hutchison
I’m not really a foodie, definitely not a chef, and only ok at easy baking … but I do know the value of baking with my kids. I remember helping my mom in the kitchen; the fun of creating something together.
Fun Fizzy Eruptions
on: by Laura Hutchison
So, what happens when you add vinegar to baking soda? Small fun fizzy eruptions!!! Add food coloring to the vinegar for even MORE fun. Hover over the photos for step by step instructions and comments! I found this idea from
Girly Letters for My Daughter’s Room
on: by Laura Hutchison
We moved last October. In our previous house my son and daughter shared a room. So lately I have been having fun creating unique spaces for both of them. My daughter, Honor Elizabeth (2 1/2), believes she is a princess and
Parenting: It’s hard … and wonderful
on: by Laura Hutchison
“The days are long, but the years are short.” “Parenting isn’t for the weak.” “Cleaning the house while the kids are home is like shoveling when it’s still snowing!” “Don’t you wish kids came with an instruction manual?” “Shouldn’t parents have
Look What Happens …
on: by Laura Hutchison
… when you put a bar of Ivory soap in the microwave! It explodes! This was SO much fun to do. And SO simple. Unwrap a bar of Ivory soap, place it on a plate, pop it in the microwave (we
Simple Snowman
on: by Laura Hutchison
Isn’t he cute? We haven’t had a lot of snow around here until the last day or so, but earlier in the month my son, Henry (age 5), and I made this one. I just took a tin can …
A Simple Snack … or how to get kids to eat yogurt
on: by Laura Hutchison
My kids have always loved yogurt. Probably because it was one of the first “solid” foods they were introduced to. But we make eating yogurt even more fun sometimes by adding sprinkles. Because sprinkles make everything taste better! Have you tried
on: by Laura Hutchison
I read these articles the other day and really wanted to share them … Quit trying to prove yourself. | Jon Acuff’s Blog. The Trouble with Blogging. from Blogging With Amy I also thought it was a good follow-up to yesterday’s
A Laura Craft: My first painting (or confessions of a perfectionist)
on: by Laura Hutchison
I’ve never actually painted on canvas before. I had helped the kids do a few projects on canvas, but never did one myself. I allow myself to call myself creative, but not artistic. To me, being artistic means you have some