Making Memories Archive

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Our Elf’s Adventures of 2013

The past two months I’ve participated in Fat Mum Slim’s Photo-A-Day challenge on Instagram.  It’s been a load of fun and I definitely plan to continue in the New Year.  But this month with a new puppy and trying to keep

Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt

Bundle up your kiddos, grab some thermoses filled with hot chocolate, put on some Christmas music, and … go for a drive to look at some electric holiday decorations! PlayDrMom’s Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt a nativity scene lit by floodlights a yard

Our Advent Calendar

Growing up one of my favorite things about the month of December was our advent calendar.  My mom made it from a kit when I was very young.  I can’t remember a Christmas season without it hanging up some where in

3 Fall Crafts … for me

Last weekend I got to spend a fabulous time welcoming in autumn by going on an annual trip I make with my girlfriends … which are all part of a craft group I started the same year I became a mom.

Fabulous Fall Fun

Remember that post I did at the beginning of summer … 40 Wonderful Ways to Enjoy Summer with your Kids?  Well, it inspired me to create a photo collage for fall.  Here’s some ideas ways to have fabulous fall fun with your

A Mario Power Lemonade Stand

One afternoon last week me and the kids found ourselves with a couple of free hours, so I asked them if they wanted to have a lemonade stand.  They both got excited and Henry (my 6 year old) stated, “We should

40 Wonderful Ways to Enjoy Summer with Your Kids

I was going through old photos of the kids playing during the summer and found 40 Wonderful Ways to Enjoy Summer with Your Kids.  Happy Summer Solstice to all!        

PlayDrMom’s 2012 Summer Bucket List

The kids still have a couple weeks of school left.  Summer solstice isn’t until June 20.  But this weekend, this long holiday weekend … I believe to be the START OF SUMMER! Last summer was the first summer our family had

Honor’s Princess Party

My daughter, Honor has a great love for EVERYthing princess!  So, it was no contest to decide what theme her 3rd birthday party would be.  I had such a fun time planning this joyful event! The Invitations I was thinking about

Celebrating Mother’s Day 2012

I’m a spoiled Momma!  My Mother’s Day was more like a Mother’s Long Weekend!!! Thursday – Honor came home with a present wrapped (in paper she had stamped herself!).  I opened it up to reveal … A Beautiful Butterfly! Friday –

Keepsake Questions to ask kids on Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, … or ANYDAY

A few years back I found this list of questions that are terrific as keepsake questions to ask kids on a Facebook note (if anyone knows the original source, PLEASE let me know!). What is something mom/dad always says to you?

Taking the time … for a nature walk

Henry and I had the most wonderful, impromptu experience the other day.  I took him with me to vote on a local school board issue since he was interested in the issue (it will directly effect him) and to help him