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Virtual Book Club for Kids: The Easter Egg, by Jan Brett

Up until this month, I never participated in a book club.   I loved the idea of joining one with the kids … where books and coinciding projects are enjoyed together, but I didn’t know about any Mommy & Me book

Upcycle an Egg Carton for Spring

I remember having fun making flowers out of egg cartons when I was little, so I decided to introduce the project to my daughter. All you need is an egg carton and pipe cleaners.  I cut out the individual egg pieces.

A Laura Craft: Springtime Yarn Wrapped Wreath

Since we moved into this house in October I’ve been having lots of fun starting to decorate, especially for the different seasons.  One of my favorite things have been to make (or find) wreaths for our front entry.  When I saw

The ABCs of Growing a Jeweled Rose

This week I am SO excited to feature Growing a Jeweled Rose.  If you haven’t checked out her blog yet … GO, do it!  She has wonderful posts about all kinds of fun, messy play with her two little girls, Rosie

“I Dressed Myself” … (aka Coping with Your Child’s Independence)

I’m not sure where I got this idea from originally.  I know it was before I even had kids … maybe from a play therapy conference, supervision, book, or parenting magazine.  But I KNEW that it would someday come in handy.

St. Patrick’s Day Fun 2012

(I know this is too late for me to share these ideas for THIS year, but just think of it for extremely early preparation for next year’s celebration of the Irish!) The fun (and overwhelmingness) of being in the blogging world

SHARE A SMILE … Operation Smile-a-Thon

Elizabeth from Broken Treasures had this fabulous idea for bloggers to join together to help raise money for Operation Smile. Operation Smile is an organization that raises money to help fix smiles of children who need it (kids that have cleft lips and/or

ABCs of Lessons Learnt Journal … and this week’s Kids Co-Op Linky

Seems like some people are really enjoying my series highlighting great blogs by giving you the “ABCs” of the ladies behind the blogs!  (yay!)  This week I’m happy to share  a recently new find for me … she commented on my

My kid’s bowling birthday party … I’ll spare no details

Since I’ve been blogging less than a year, I still have lots of catching up to do on previous play, crafts, and celebrations.  With this being Henry’s birthday month (see this year’s party) I’ve been thinking a lot about celebrating his previous

Shamrock Sticker (resist) Painting

Since we had SO much fun with our other sticker resist projects (letters/message and Hearts), Honor & I decided we needed to do another one for St. Pat’s Day … a Shamrock Sticker (resist) Painting! The regular round up of materials

The ABCs of Happy Hooligans … and this week’s Kids Co-Op Linky

It’s time again for the Kids Co-Op Weekly Linky!  And, of course, this week’s feature. Today I am SO happy to share another favorite blog of mine … Happy Hooligans!  Here are the ABCs of Jackie Currie of Happy Hooligans .. Age

10 Ways to Make a Kid’s Birthday Special (other than a party)

Having a fun kids party for a birthday is wonderful … and probably something a child will remember for many, many years.  (I was fortunate to have parents that allowed me a party every year … and I’m sure I’ll do