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Marvelous Mario Kart Party

For Christmas 2010 we got the family a Wii.  And created a monster.  Well, kinda … Henry, my NOW 6-year-old son, LOVES playing and it is usually a struggle to limit his time on it.  However, I have seen a a

ABCs of Dirt & Boogers (feature) … and this week’s Kids Co-Op Linky

YAY!  We’re back for the 3rd weekly Kids Co-Op Linky … and, like last week, I will be featuring a participating blog/blogger.  This week it is fellow play therapist, mom, and blogger … Amanda from Dirt & Boogers.  And how could

Honor’s First Sewing Project

I saw this wonderful idea to introduce kids to the concept of sewing, from Happy Little Munchkins, and just had to give it a try.   All you need is a large sheet of plastic needlepoint canvas and pipe cleaners. I

ABCs of Rainbows Within Reach (feature) … and this week’s Kids Co-Op Linky

Since this is the beginning of hosting a weekly linky (see last week’s post), I wanted to do something fun to recognize one special blog/blogger that “linked up” in the previous week.  I remembered how fun it was to share the

Shadow Play: Day 5, Rounding Up Some Shadows

So, here’s DAY 5, the final day of the Shadow Play series of posts.  I hope you’ve enjoyed them as much as I have creating them!  Since I’ve been posting about our shadow play this week, I also wanted to include

Shadow Play, Day 4: William and the Magic Ring (a shadow casting book)

Our favorite book about shadows was given to us a couple of years ago from my best friend as a Christmas gift to my son. It is a truly beautiful, magical book about a little boy, imagination, and shadows.  It is

Shadow Play: Day 3, What’s that Shadow? game

Another fun game we’ve been playing lately is a guessing game with photographs of interesting shadows. I take the pictures and have the kids guess what the shadow is of.  Henry, my 5 year old, really enjoys this game. Here are

Shadow Play: Day 2, Where does your shadow go when you are sleeping?

In our discussions and studies of shadows, we also watched Peter Pan (a couple bazillion times) and Disney Junior’s new special Peter Pan Returns on Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  With stolen/missing shadows being an important part of each movie, it

Shadow Play: Day 1, SHADOW HUNT

Ever since Groundhog’s Day we’ve been talking about shadows.  Honor (age 2 1/2) asked her big brother, Henry (almost 6), “What’s a shadow?”  He responded, “You know, that dark thing that looks just like you and follows you everywhere.” That honest

DIY Gel Boards … and Kids Co-Op LINKY

When I saw this awesome idea on Pinterest from Chasing Cheerios (could that blog name be any cuter?!?)  … I JUST had to give it a try.  DIY gel boards for fun, mess-free, sensory play … perfect for practicing pre-writing skills

Our Valentine’s Day 2012

We started the day off yummy and sweet (and super easy) with heart shaped cinnamon rolls and waffles … The kids’ Valentine cards from me were at their spots on the kitchen table.  They were surprised at first … because the

4 Weeks of Kindness

What qualifies as “an act of kindness”?   There are so many small things that we do each day for our kids … that we take for granted.  (of course I do that, I’m his/her mom!)  However, I think that the concept