Seasons/Holidays Archive

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Easter Sticker Resist Painting

In continuing our collection of sticker resist paintings for the holidays (see Valentine’s and St. Patrick’s), we HAD to do one for Easter.  Honor (my almost 3 year old daughter) still really enjoys this way to create! This time she used

Virtual Book Club for Kids: The Easter Egg, by Jan Brett

Up until this month, I never participated in a book club.   I loved the idea of joining one with the kids … where books and coinciding projects are enjoyed together, but I didn’t know about any Mommy & Me book

Upcycle an Egg Carton for Spring

I remember having fun making flowers out of egg cartons when I was little, so I decided to introduce the project to my daughter. All you need is an egg carton and pipe cleaners.  I cut out the individual egg pieces.

A Laura Craft: Springtime Yarn Wrapped Wreath

Since we moved into this house in October I’ve been having lots of fun starting to decorate, especially for the different seasons.  One of my favorite things have been to make (or find) wreaths for our front entry.  When I saw

St. Patrick’s Day Fun 2012

(I know this is too late for me to share these ideas for THIS year, but just think of it for extremely early preparation for next year’s celebration of the Irish!) The fun (and overwhelmingness) of being in the blogging world

Shamrock Sticker (resist) Painting

Since we had SO much fun with our other sticker resist projects (letters/message and Hearts), Honor & I decided we needed to do another one for St. Pat’s Day … a Shamrock Sticker (resist) Painting! The regular round up of materials

Our Valentine’s Day 2012

We started the day off yummy and sweet (and super easy) with heart shaped cinnamon rolls and waffles … The kids’ Valentine cards from me were at their spots on the kitchen table.  They were surprised at first … because the

A Variety Of Valentine’s (toddler style!)

Being a part of such a great blogging community, I was overwhelmed with the wealth of ideas for Valentine Cards … so instead of settling on ONE single way, I decided on the broader idea of using Honor’s artwork to create

A Fishy Valentine

So, last year Henry picked Rocket Valentines to create … this year we perused my Valentine Pinterest board together and he decided on a pretty fishy one from Tammy Mitchell Photography …  Here’s our version … Super simple … sandwich baggie

Valentine’s Party 2012

Yesterday, I posted our table decorations (Valentine Votives) for the evening family Valentine’s Party for the preschool that my mom is the director of (that my son is an alum from … that my daughter is a current tot class student

Valentine Votives

I knew I wanted to do Valentine Votives like the ones Mama Pea Pod made as soon as I saw them. So, when my mom said she needed an idea for the centerpieces for the evening Valentine’s party she was coordinating

A Laura Craft: Valentine Yarn Wreath

I previously posted a collection of yarn wreaths that I so enjoyed making … and giving away as Christmas presents.  After doing so, and from reading some of the comments, I realized that I had failed to make one for my